Saturday March 30th, 2024 - 12:30PM to 3:30PM

This workshop will no doubt propel your yoga practice to new heights! This 3-hours workshop is structured to give you a leg up in mastering your inversions. Whether you have been working on your inversions already or inversions are new to you, Tazz Carter has designed this Workshop to help you overcome fears, build confidence and gain the necessary fundamentals to defy gravity. First by learning the necessary foundational techniques you need before flipping into the step-by-step instruction to help you fly.

Space is limited, and we expect this to quickly become everyone’s favorite new workshop, SO RESERVE NOW to secure your spot!

Part One:
Understanding full body engagement and alignment required to hold inversion without relying on muscles only. Using wall drills to gain awareness on what's really going on in your body on learning to redirect energy into the correct places and invert. Down dog, headstand, chin stand.

Part Two:
Working on putting it all together.  Learning the importance of the hands, wrist, and fingers in all inversions. The basis of shift and lift through breath and engagement. More wall drills. Headstand variations, forearm stand with variations, handstand.